Business Information


By December 31, 2018 April 24th, 2020 No Comments

A new year is an awesome opportunity for businesses to pause, reflect and institute helpful practices. We have three tips to help get your business started on the right foot for 2019.

The first tip is one we ourselves do: schedule a team meeting. Getting your team in the right frame of mind is important. However, come into this meeting prepared. Have current issues, goals and achievements to discuss. This enables the meeting to reach its highest level of effectiveness.

Our second tip is to evaluate your business’s efficiency. Eliminate practices that are no longer necessary and institute practices that will only be a benefit in the long run. For example, implement an online program to aid in documenting client interactions. We find this extremely helpful and to be a wise decision. Employees can track discussions and promises they made to each client, ensuring nothing is forgotten.

Our final tip is to review spending habits. Take a closer look at invoices and bills at the end of the year to influence upcoming decisions in 2019.

A major component is examining your merchant processing statement. It is common for a merchant to have their rates raised at the end/beginning of the year. At MAX, we never raise our merchant’s rates. We take pride in this promise and it is one that we advertise most because we know how hard it is to be a small business. MAX Communications is our sister company that solves a business’s IT needs. From phones to surveillance cameras to cell signal repeaters, MAX Communications has you covered. A bill that is often looked at as the cost of doing business is a phone bill. We would encourage you to take a look at your business phone bill and as well as your phones themselves. If you are not satisfied after evaluating, give MAX Communications a call or visit us on our website:

We hope these tips encourage your business to have its best year yet.